Thursday, March 15, 2012

Olive Garden

February 3rd, 2012

Date #17

I know the Olive Garden isn’t a new restaurant to us, but I’m happy Chuck decided to take me here tonight. It was my go to restaurant for birthdays for quite a few years. When we lived in Arizona we would drive to Flagstaff and go camping for my birthday weekend. To get away from the campsite we would go the Olive Garden for dinner one night. Once in a while I would treat myself and go to a salon and have them wash my hair, what a wonderful feeling after camping for a few days. I know, what a camper am I, right?!? 
Anyway, sometimes it’s just nice to go somewhere that is familiar, and I really wanted to taste something from their new 3 course dinner menu.

We started out with their wonderful salad with Italian dressing and plenty of grated parmesan cheese. I know this is a simple salad, but boy is it good! Next I tried their new creamy parmesan Portobello mushroom fettuccine, this was amazing. I usually have their fettuccine Alfredo; the addition of mushrooms made it taste even better, could be my new favorite dish. Chuck had his usual favorite of shrimp & crab tortelli romana, it’s so good he doesn’t want to try anything new. Also, he really loves their house red wine Rosso; no beer here!!

The best part of any meal is dessert, we usually say no but not here, they have these amazing little desserts in large shot glasses “piccolo dolci”, the perfect size for after a big pasta meal. My favorite is this delightful lemon concoction of Limoncello Mousse with Vanilla Cookie Crust. Yum-eee!!!
Another great choice my husband, you are getting really good at this date night thing! Molto bene!!!

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