Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Fish Wife

November 9, 2012

Date #57

Tonight we head out towards North Portland, Chuck was using his GPS again and making me very nervous. After a few trips around the block because of the great map app we find The Fish Wife. It is an old restaurant in a strip mall, on Lombard St., it doesn’t look very appealing from the outside, but at 8pm it is full of people. Inside it looks like a crab restaurant like you would find on the beach.

We were hungry so we both ordered clam chowder. We have our favorite fish restaurant in Seattle so we often compare our clam chowder to theirs. My first impression wasn’t good, it looked like thick potato soup, not my favorite. We were pleasantly surprised, it was so flavorful, not thick at all, full of clams and not too many potatoes. This is my second favorite clam chowder, favorite in Portland!

Next we both had cod and chips. Again I was a bit leery of fish and chips because I don’t like thick beer batter, and the fries have to be good. Again I was pleasantly surprised. The fish was lightly battered in a crispy crust, and the fries, waffle, were cooked to perfection! Awesome food! I totally understand why this place is so popular.
The next Monday at work I told my friend about it because she lives in North Portland. She knew of it and said it has been there for years and is very popular. So happy we found this place because we will be back next time we crave fish & chips, and we don’t have to go to Seattle. Nice find Chuck!!

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