Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Toes & Quiznos

July 27th, 2012

Date #42

I wanted to do something different tonight, not that dinner is getting boring, but change is always good. I was thinking about bowling or mini-golf, but we have already bowled for date night, and mini-golf would probably be pretty busy on a beautiful summer evening. So I decided we would get our toes done.
We started out by getting some refreshments at one of our local Starbucks, our town has a population of 18,000 and we have 4 Starbucks, not to mention 2 or 3 other coffee shops, that’s the Pacific Northwest for you. Chuck had his usual iced mocha, and I tried something new, an iced green tea. I am so happy I tried the tea because I usually get a mocha but I’m not always in the mood for coffee and chocolate, I love this tea!!! We next drive to a different parking spot in the same lot and Chuck realizes we are getting pedicures for date night, he smiles reluctantly and enters the shop. I wasn’t worried about him liking getting his toes done because we have done it in the past and he loved it.

Chuck helped me choose a color for my toes I wouldn’t try on my own, bright orange. We sit in our chairs with our beverages, trashy magazines, adjust the lounge chairs to the right position and massage level, and settle in for some pampering.  For some extra fun Chuck talked me into adding flowers, something I have never done before. This was so relaxing and I just love the color of my toes.

We still needed to get something to eat so we drive to another spot in the same parking lot and get some subs at Quiznos. I had the lobster seafood sub with sweet potato BBQ chips and Chuck had the turkey, bacon, guacamole sub with BBQ chips. I planned to go to the park for a small picnic, but there was a play going on, so we went to the park in our back yard. It was a very nice and relaxing evening. Now lets watch the opening ceremony for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. FUN!

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