Sunday, May 6, 2012


May 4th, 2012

Date #30

I wanted to stay closer to home tonight and try a new cuisine, so I used Urbanspoon to see what people are talking about in our neck of the woods. I chose one of the restaurants on the top 10 list in Beaverton called HaeRim, the reviewers said this is the best Korean food around. I have never tried Korean food, but Chuck has, he has been to Korea.

As we open the door to this small quaint restaurant, we are greeted by a very friendly man who seats us at our booth. He asks us what we would like to drink and suggests a light beer called Hite; I even enjoyed it. We ordered a seafood Korean pancake for our appetizer; when they brought it to the table they cut it, with scissors, in perfectly even section just like a pizza.  It tasted like a French crepe with pieces of octopus and green onion, and a side of soy ginger sauce for dipping.


I ordered vegetable udon and Chuck BBQ spareribs. The meals also came with a bunch of little bowls of different ingredients, they included bean sprouts, sea weed, broccoli, and kim chi. Each of these dishes changed the taste of the main course.
The owner of the restaurant was very extremely nice, he enjoyed it when we tried to order our meal with the proper Korean name, as well as tasting their food. This was a very enjoyable evening because of the food and service. I would recommend if  you are looking for a good Korean restaurant.

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